How Much Should I Feed My Dog?
Feeding a dog sometimes seems tricky. After all, your dog can't tell you if he's full or hungry the way a human can. To add to the challenge, many healthy dogs tend [...]
Feeding a dog sometimes seems tricky. After all, your dog can't tell you if he's full or hungry the way a human can. To add to the challenge, many healthy dogs tend [...]
Whether you have a large dog, small dog, puppy, adult, or senior, your dog should exercise in some form or fashion every day. While the level of activity will vary depending on [...]
If you have a tabby cat, you've probably marveled at his beautiful fur and unique coat pattern. A tabby cat is like a snowflake—every coat pattern is different. This might cause you [...]
Raising a puppy can be so much fun. Your cute, little fur baby is all over the place playing, wagging his tail, and bringing joy to your home. But as he grows, you [...]
Siamese cats can make very loving pets. With their sweet personalities and beautiful coloring, they're a wonderful adoption choice for any home. If you've fallen in love with a Siamese cat, you'll [...]
Is your dog getting a little chunky around the middle? If you notice a sagging belly, you might find yourself wondering, "How can I tell if my dog is overweight?" And if [...]
Cats have a lot of strange behaviors. They love playing with anything around the house, and plants happen to get the most attention. If you grow plants indoors, you might not be [...]
Being a pet owner is an incredibly rewarding experience. You get to care for a living being that keeps you company and loves you unconditionally. All the time you spend making sure [...]
It’s no surprise that cats can have very specific tastes in food, toys, and other aspects of a happy life. Figuring out what to feed them, and how much, can be a [...]
Humans and animals alike need protein to sustain a healthy way of life. But do we actually know the benefits protein has on our pets? Our pets have very similar digestive systems [...]